Monday, December 1, 2008

Quick Star Ornaments

Wow - The first day of December already! Yesterday, I decided that I had better get something done to prove my theory that this blogging idea would motivate me. I started sorting my fabric scrap boxes, as this is something that I have been meaning to do for a while. I have another huge bag of scraps not shown in the picture. As you can see, I didn't finish!

I got sidetracked looking at my little Christmas tree, and decided it needed some more ornaments. Time being of the essence, I grabbed some of my scraps and headed to the sewing room. This is what I came up with.

They worked up very quickly and I was able to make up 13 of these cute little stars in a snap. I would have used twine for the hanger, but alas - none was to be found so I used some black ribbon instead. I used a small zigzag stitch to sew together a sandwich of fabric, batting and fabric. Then, I trimmed the edges with a rotary wave/pinking blade. This was my end result.

And this is how they look on the tree!

Simple, quick and easy. Just what the doctor ordered during this busy time of year.


  1. How cute! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wonderful stars! I love the boxes you have your fabric stored in! Where did you find them??

    Your blog is wonderful!!

    Deanna :)

  3. Carole and Deanna - Glad to hear you enjoyed my posts and the boxes are some that I have had forever. I found them at antique stores and yard sales. Love old wood objects of all kinds!

  4. I love all of your "stuff". I have collected so many things this past couple of years. Am running out of space.....but, love a lot of your ideas......Going to try and make a few of those stars......Thanks for sharing...


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