Saturday, February 27, 2010

Primitive DIY Nesting Box

I saw an old 'Nesting Box' at the antique shop and thought it would look nice in my Primitive home, but the high price made me cringe. It looked like a simple enough thing to build, so with the help of my DH we made one.

First thing, I decided on the size and measurements for it. I wanted it to go on the kitchen counter - high enough to cover the outlets and not too wide, so as to not take up too much counter space.

It is made up of 7 pieces - 2 ends, 2 dividers, 1 back, 1 bottom and 1 front. We cut out the pieces and then put the 'Nesting Box' together with countersunk screws. We then filled each screw hole with glue and a piece of wood dowel and sanded them down till they were flush.

We sanded the sharp edges of the box to give it a nice worn feel.

I gave the completed box a beating to give it a nice primitive look and stained it with 'Minwax Dark Walnut' stain.

This is the finished 'Nesting Box' as it looks today. This was a fun project to work on.

Until next time ~ Suzanne.


  1. Its beautiful Suzanne, you and dh make really nice things!

  2. I love your nesting box. It turned out beautiful!

  3. It looks wonderful! Congratulations on another job well done! B=)

  4. It's perfect, Suzanne and probably every bit as nice as the one you saw in the antique shop. And the price was right too, huh? *wink*

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog! I am so happy you did as I love finding new blogs, and yours is terrific. I really like your nesting box, it turned at fantastic!

  6. Oh love your lil cubby Suzanne.And thank you so much for adding my giveaway to your sidebar.I love your blog ...I could stay here all day looking.You do such beautiful work!! ..Donna

  7. That is awesome!! I love the way it turned out and all the wonderful prim things that are in each cubby especially the berries. I am a big fan of berries! =]

    Thanks for finding my blog. I'm glad I came to yours! I love it and will be looking forward to hearing more from you!

    Have a delightful week~

  8. Very nice Suzanne. I wouldn't mind having a couple of those for myself. I see so many possibilities!
    Enjoy your week,

  9. Very nice! It looks like it has been around for a 100 years. All the treasures inside are wonderful too.

  10. I love your blog! Wish I could decorate like you do! I love prim. I'll have to let dh see your site for all of these neat ideas!

    This spring we are doing a major renovation, the living room and the dinning room. I have decided to expose a brick wall in my dinning room. It used to be an exterior wall, but now interior as we added a kitchen and 2 car garage. I think once that major reno is done, I'll be more willing to put the effort into decorating!

    Thanks for sharing your talent! Cheers!

  11. Hi Suzanne, thanks for finding my blog-so glad you did:)I have had the greatest time reading yours while I ate my lunch-I'm afraid my lunch turned out very much extended!LOL
    I love all your prim woodwork creations and I soo love your craft room-you have such great storage shelving. I love that quilt in the background with a house and possibly a pumpkin?
    Do you mind me asking the name of the pattern?
    Have a great day,
    Blessings, Shazy x

  12. Really great box. Even better you made it yourself for next to nothing. LOL


  13. I love this and all the things in it too. You are just so smart.

  14. It's so pretty, and it looks nicely worn as if it were in your family for years, or found at a yard sale. Love that look.

  15. :O I LOVE THIS! Im seeing one in my future! lol! thanks for posting :)

  16. I can see that you are an expert at your field! I am launching a website soon, and your information will be very useful for me.Thanks for all your help and wishing you all the success.

  17. Beautiful tray! I love things like that! The colour are perfect in there too! I am starting to introduce rustic pieces like that. I just love all the history and stories that they may carry! :) Have a wonderful weekend!!

    Susan Graham

  18. this is great. thanks
    came over from FB page where someone had this project.
    going to check out more of your blog, and your FB page too.



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