Friday, May 3, 2013

Saturday Sparks 9 - Viewer Favorites

Another inspiring party has come and gone. The viewer favorites this week say 'home' to me - simply warm and inviting.

For this Friday feature post, I am sharing the most viewed links.
Now, onto the Fabulous Features.....
The most viewed link was this Yard Sale Coffee Bar fro The Long Awaited Home. A yard sale find is given a new lease on life as this lovely coffee bar setup.
The 2nd most viewed link was a tie between - this Quick Lantern Makeover from Little Brags. Christine found this great lantern on clearance and made it more to her liking with the magic of paint.....
and this I'm Addicted to Junkin post from Penny's Vintage Home. Penny tells us about her love for junkin and the many places her and 'H' have travelled in search of treasure.
The 3rd most viewed link was a tie between - this Cement Garden Balls from Creative Passage.  Ellen shares the steps of how she created these unique garden balls.....
and this Crap Room to Craft Room post from Little Brags. Christine changed her one time office into this wonderfully organized craft room.
Thanks to everyone for linking up to the party.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button to add to your blog.
The next party starts tomorrow at 9am EST - Come join the fun!
I will be featuring some additional personal favorites to kick off Saturday Sparks 10.


  1. Goodmorning! Thank you so much for featuring my post "I'm Addicted to Junkin" Have a great week end...hugs, Penny

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my garden balls! And thanks for hosting too!!

  3. Suzanne, wow I am featured again here at your fabulous party and not once but twice....So thrilled thanks so much!!!!! Christine from Little Brags


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