Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pole Gate Entrance - Part 2 - Transporting

In my last post, I shared:      Pole Gate Entrance - Part 1 - Building the Gate
In this post, I will show you how we moved the gate to its new home. This was not an easy task, as the gate is truly massive in size. 
For this endeavor, we needed some assistance with the backhoe and a few extra hands.
The swinging arm of one of the gates was chained onto the backhoe and lifted.
My oldest son steers the pole in the right direction.
Adjustments are made along the way to be sure the gate is safely lifted and moved.
This half of the gate is now in position and ready to be lifted onto the trailer.
The gate is maneuvered into place by backing the trailer under the lifted post.
A brace is added to the trailer to support the swinging arm and hold it in place.
The process begins again for the second half of the gate. The swinging arm is chained to the backhoe.
The gate is lifted and guided into position onto the trailer.
A brace is added onto the second swinging arm to hold it in place.
The gate is now loaded on the trailer. 
The load is strapped down and ready for travel. The height, width and length were at the maximum allowed limits for highway use without requiring any special permits.
This is our view from the back window heading to our final destination. We had several double takes from people as we travelled along our merry way.
The gate has arrived safely to its new home and is ready to be installed, which I will share with you on my next post.

1 comment:

  1. Dying to see this beauty installed and in place!
    Will be anxiously awaiting the pics...
    It's going to be BEAUTIFUL~!


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