Monday, January 19, 2015

15 Smart Ways to Deep Clean Your Fridge (Curated for Hometalk)

Compliments are such a great way to start a day. I recently received just this thing in a sweet email from the folks at Hometalk regarding my DIY Fridge Liners. In that same email, they asked if I would curate a 'Fridge Cleaning Tips' board and I happily said yes.

I found some great ideas for both cleaning and organizing the refrigerator. Visit my Fridge Cleaning Board to view each of the original posts. 

Hometalk is such a fabulous source for all things home and garden related. It is a community where homeowners, professionals and bloggers share ideas, inspiration and get help making informed decisions. You can follow me on Hometalk here to see some of my projects and the works of so many others.

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  1. These really were some great ideas, Suzanne! My fridge rebukes me every time I walk by for what a mess it this the weekend? No football, so it may be! ;) I followed your board and clipped some of the ideas, just in case! :D Thanks!

  2. This is so timely ... my fridge definitely needs a good cleaning right now!


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