Friday, August 26, 2022

Saturday Sparks Link Party 529

Welcome to Saturday Sparks 529! 

 Starting off today's party with the largest group of photo bomber's I've seen!

We have had a group of 5 turkeys hanging around lately.

At first mornings light, they make their way down from our trees and gather in the field.

On this particular cloudy morning, I thought I'd snap a photo of them.

In the 30 seconds that it took for me to grab my camera, this group of Canadian Geese decided to jump into the shot.

There no fear attitude and mob mentality was on full display as our turkeys quickly moved along.

For better or worse, there is strength in numbers.

"Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings."

~ Victor Hugo

Now, let's get this party started.

First up, the Fabulous Features from Saturday Sparks 528.

Simple Sunflowers in Summer to Fall Decorating at Follow the Yellow Brick Home

Antique Radio Cabinet Makeover at Interior Frugalista

Classic Orange Marmalade at Claire Justine

Easy Peach Cobbler at Rose Bakes

Pieced Pastimes

 Thanks to everyone for linking up to last weeks party.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button (above) to add to your blog.

Now, onto the party!

Link up your latest creative posts such as:

Home Decor

Links are open through Thursday morning.

Features will be posted at next weeks party at Pieced Pastimes and may also be featured at Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and/or Twitter.

  Party Guidelines:
- Link to a specific post, not your homepage.
- No advertising, Etsy shops or giveaways.
- Pin feature photos to Pinterest from the original source and not from this blog.
- Visit other links and leave a kind comment.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Happy Weekend, Suzanne. That is a lot of Canadian geese! Thanks so much for hosting and for the lovely features.

    1. Yes, it is Pam! They hung out for an hour or so and then went on their way. The turkeys were back in short order. Wishing you a beautiful week ~ Suzanne.

  2. Thank you so much for featuring my Peach Alfresco Tablescape Suzanne! So kind of you! I appreciate all your efforts in hosting this terrific weekly party with so much inspiration! Have a good weekend! ~ Lori

  3. Happy to feature you, Lori. Such a pretty tablescape! Have a great week ~ Suzanne.

  4. Thanks so much for hosting this delightful party each and every week!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Thank You!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  5. Hi Suzanne. Thanks so much for hosting. I’ve linked up with #24 - HOW TO PARALLEL PARK and #25 - NATIONAL BUTTERED CORN DAY. Check out my link parties if you have time, would love to have you join us!

  6. What a beautiful photos. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.


I love reading each and every comment and welcome any questions or feedback you may have.