Monday, January 26, 2009

Red Delicious Block One

I told myself that I would finish this block today, no matter what. As I posted earlier, I was struggling with the birds tail feathers and tried several different looks. As you can see, I ended up adding an additional feather at the end of the bird and overall have learned to like it that way. I have a bad habit of 'overthinking' about things and I believe this was why I was having such a difficult time with this block. Print Friendly and PDF


  1. I love your choice of reds - very nice! And I think the tail feathers are looking just fine. I'm not part of this BOM but I'm watching you! - Marlene

  2. Very clever adding the extra tail feather. It would be impossible to hide the ends under the tiny tip of the tail. I'm still working on mine, but decided to stitch the lines coming from the circles to the tail tip. The rest will be hand appliqued. Yours looks great.


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