Friday, August 25, 2023

Saturday Sparks Link Party 579

Welcome to Saturday Sparks 579! 

 Starting off today's party with a sweet encounter!

We were about to leave when I noticed her grazing in the field. 

I snapped a long distance shot from the doorway - she continued grazing.

I normally keep my distance when taking pictures of the wildlife here, but knowing that we had to leave and that she would run off stirred me to venture closer this one time.

I wandered out onto the driveway - she continued grazing.

I stepped into the field - she continued grazing.

I continued moving closer to her  - she continued grazing.

I was probably 10' away from her when she finally looked up and saw me.

She stood motionless, and I snapped this, my final photo before she ran off.  

This surprise encounter filled my heart with joy.

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere."

~ Van Gogh

Now, onto the party,

First up, the Fabulous Features from Saturday Sparks 578.

Redoing End Tables at A Ray of Sunlight
Pieced Pastimes

 Thanks to everyone for linking up to last weeks party.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button (above) to add to your blog.

Now, onto the party!

Link up your latest creative posts such as:

Home Decor

Links are open through Thursday morning.

Features will be posted at next weeks party at Pieced Pastimes and may also be featured at Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and/or Twitter.

  Party Guidelines:
- Link to a specific post, not your homepage.
- No advertising, Etsy shops or giveaways.
- Pin feature photos to Pinterest from the original source and not from this blog.
- Visit other links and leave a kind comment.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Thanks again for hosting this wonderful party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it I truly appreciate it!! I hope you have a great week!

    1. I am happy to host, Debbie. Happy Summer ~ Suzanne.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hosting is my pleasure, Stephanie. All my best ~ Suzanne.

  3. Suzanne, that is a great photo. How u usual that you got that close. Thanks for hosting and Happy Weekend!

    1. Thanks, Pam! I think I was just as surprised as she was when our eyes first met. It was a special moment, at least for me. 😁 Wishing you a wonderful week ~ Suzanne.

  4. Thanks for hosting a FABULOUS linky party every week, Suzanne!
    Don't forget to join us over at the Creative Crafts Linky Party every Wednesday through Sunday
    Followed and Pinned!
    Creatively, Beth

    1. I am happy to host, Beth. Have a wonderful week ~ Suzanne.

  5. Hi Suzanne, What an awesome picture, love it and especially when one can get so close and see them in nature, that to me is even better than the picture as we have it in memory and the picture will help to let you think back of this magical moment. Thanks for hosting.

    I linked up this week with = 42+43. This is a friendly reminder and invitation to come and join us at SeniorSalonPitStop. You will find the linkup information under BLOGGING.

    1. Thanks, Slabs! It was a special moment for me and yes, I'm glad to have the photo to remind me of it. Thanks for linking up to the party ~ Suzanne.

  6. Aww, such a lovely photo :) Great features, thanks so much for hosting.

    1. Thank-you, Claire Justine! Have a wonderful week ~ Suzanne.

  7. There are somme good posts in this party- Julie's cards, the mushroom earrings- and the woodslice pumpkin. Wonderful!

    1. I have to agree, Kristie! There are so many talented people out there. Many smiles ~ Suzanne.

  8. What a super cool photo. Thanks for sharing it with us. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

    1. Thanks, Patrick! I was pretty pleased with it myself. 😊 Have a great week ~ Suzanne.


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