Friday, August 23, 2024

Saturday Sparks Link Party 632

Welcome to Saturday Sparks 632! 

 Starting off todays party with our four musketeers!

It's always fun to have this little quartet stop by for a visit.

The fawns are still filled to the brim with energy.

They run, jump and kick endlessly, although I do see signs of them starting to be a bit more cautious.

Mama is raising them well to be aware of their surroundings.

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you."

~Frank Lloyd Wright

Now, onto the party,

First up, the Fabulous Features from Saturday Sparks 631.

Navy Blue DIY Dresser Makeover at A Ray of Sunlight
Pieced Pastimes

 Thanks to everyone for linking up to last weeks party.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button (above) to add to your blog.

Now, onto the party!

Link up your latest creative posts such as:

Home Decor

Links are open through Thursday morning.

Features will be posted at next weeks party at Pieced Pastimes and may also be featured at Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and/or Twitter.

  Party Guidelines:
- Link to a specific post, not your homepage.
- No advertising, Etsy shops or giveaways.
- Pin feature photos to Pinterest from the original source and not from this blog.
- Visit other links and leave a kind comment.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
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  1. Thank you for hosting, your friends look so adorable! Deers are now "singing" at night around here, as their mating season started. It can get quite scary for someone who doesn't know what the sound is :)

    1. Thanks, Mariama! Our matings season starts around mid November here, so all is quiet. Enjoy your sounds of nature, and yes it is a bit startling when you first hear them. All my best ~ Suzanne.

  2. Replies
    1. As do I, Rita. Love the vintage feel of it. Wishing you a lovely week, my friend ~ Suzanne.

  3. Thanks for hosting! Saw several post inspiring for fall. Next week I think I'll be raady to actually decorate! Too many tomatoes coming in from the garden.

    1. Happy to host, Linda! People are sharing all things fall and yes, it is great for inspiration. Good luck with your tomato harvest. Happy August ~ Suzanne.

  4. Thanks for hosting, Suzanne. Happy weekend to you. Love your 4 musketeers.
    My entries this week are numbered #36+37.
    Hope you will join/share M-Sat at

    1. Thanks for linking up, Slabs! Glad to know you enjoyed my deer photo. It's always nice to have them wander about our property. Have a great week ~ Suzanne.

  5. Hi Suzanne, I love seeing the two does and their fawns, so sweet! Thank you for hosting and wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend!

    1. As do I, Pam! It's always a treat to look out and see them. Sending you much sunshine, my friend ~ Suzanne.

  6. Such a great pic. Very cool. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  7. Love seeing the doe and fawns, such an awesome display of nature! Have a great week Suzanne! Creatively, Beth

    1. Having them pop by makes everyday just that much better, Beth. Wishing you a lovey week ~ Suzanne

  8. Thanks so much for hosting!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog


I love reading each and every comment and welcome any questions or feedback you may have.

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