Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year and Second Wholecloth Quilt

I started this quilt in April of 2004 with high hopes of finishing it that year, but life took over and it was not completed until February of 2005.

This is the quilt center . It is my own design with inspiration from an antique ceiling medallion.

This is a closeup detail shot - the micro quilting took quite a while and when I started seeing double, I knew it was time to take a break!

This is the quilting start date - the picture is not so great, but I really liked how the birds looked holding up the sign.And this is an overall shot of the quilt. I named it 'Time Goes By' and it won a teachers award at MQX 2005 by Tracey Browning and Second Place in the 'Traditional Whole Cloth' category at the Machine Quilters Showcase 2005.

I really love the simple but elegant look of the traditional wholecloth quilts. With the start of a New Year, I am thinking that I should start a tradition of quilting at least one new wholecloth a year. Print Friendly and PDF


  1. It's exquisite! Looking forward to the day I can quilt like that! Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!

  2. Hi, I followed you from Doreen's blog, noticing your name. :)
    Your quilts are beautiful! I love the intricacy.
    Happy New Year!

  3. What WONDERFUL whole cloth quilts! I haven't seen many but I sure would like to make one... someday :0)

  4. WOW, WOW, WOW......absolutely gorgeous. What beautiful intricate work!!!!

  5. a BEAUTIFUL quilt...where can I go to find directions to making my own? I am completely new at quilting..but do a lot of handstitiching dolls and such.

  6. Sue - I highly recommend the book Whitework Quilting by Karen C. McTavish. It is a wonderful resource. You may also want to check out your local quilt shop for classes on Trapunto and Wholecloth Quilts.

  7. Sue,
    This is stunning. I have dreamed of making a whole cloth quilt, but I need to save my pennies to purchase the best cloth I can because I want it to be a family heirloom.

    I also got a bit sidetracked showing Jonah your pictures of Delila. She is so pretty.

  8. This quilt is fantastic! I could just imagine the hours it took for all its beauty.
    You'll just have to make 4 more so you can pass one on to each of your kids.

  9. Wow!!! What a beautiful quilt! Stunning!

  10. The quilt is STUNNING!!!!! Did you do this on the long arm or your machine? It is just absolutely beautiful. No wonder it won a prize! I am so glad you joined APP and I could see your blog....thank you for sharing!


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