Friday, April 19, 2013

Saturday Sparks 7 - Viewer Favorites

Another fun week of generous and creative sharing has come and gone. My imagination is on overload with the inspirational projects that were linked up to the party.
For this Friday feature post, I am sharing the most viewed links.
Now, onto the Fabulous Features.....
The most viewed link was Decorating with Old Buckets from Little Brags. Christine shares the many places and ways she has used old  buckets around her home.
The second most viewed link is a three-way tie between - It's Not Just For Painting from Tattered Chick. Marsha shows us this lovely dropcloth window treatment she created......
and this Master Bedroom Reveal with Wood Ceiling from Our Small Town Idaho Life. Rachel takes us on a tour of her beautiful master bedroom. The wood ceiling is simply gorgeous as is all of the other wonderful details.....
......and this Thrifty Trendy Owl from Charm Bracelet Diva. Kathleen shares her recent thrift shop finds that she used to make this pretty Spring display.
The third most viewed link is 143 Uses for Vinegar from Fluster Buster. Robin continues her series and shows us the many different uses for vinegar.
Thanks to everyone for linking up to the party.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button to add to your blog.
The next party starts tomorrow at 9am EST - Come join the fun!
I will be featuring some additional personal favorites to kick off Saturday Sparks 8.

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  1. Great stuff! I'm in love with that bedroom from Idaho Life!


  2. wow, I am so thrilled to be featured....Thanks Suzanne..I stole the FEATURED Button !!!! Great news for a new blog like mine!!! Be back tomorrow with a new link

  3. Oh, MY, wow!! Made my day!!!! Thank you so much! I will try and join in next week but we're having our kitchen cabinets down and new counters put in so I may be a bit busy LOL


  4. Thanks for the feature, Suzanne, and thanks for hosting!

    Charm Bracelet Diva {at Home}

  5. I love that bedroom ceiling and bed!!


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