Sunday, April 10, 2016

2016 Spring Mantel

Nothing tells me that Spring is here like the melancholy coos of a mourning dove. Such was the sound I awakened to this morning and it proved to be pure joy for my winter weary soul!


I can't really complain too much, as we had a very mild winter. It's just that I find myself yearning for warmer days and sun drenched skies.


Yes, it seems rather contradictory to be posting about my 'Spring Mantel' as the pellet stove is running full bore.


But that is life here in New Hampshire. The calendar may say that Spring has arrived, but the cold lingers on.


The dove's song reassures me that before long the stove will be shut down, coats will be shed and breezes will be welcomed.


For this, I am thankful.

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18


After all, it is the blessings of Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall that I love most about New England.


Our landscape is constantly evolving and each new season brings with it an air of excitement.


A 'fresh start' mindset kicks in and readies us for the next chapter in our lives and one can't help but be inspired by all the possibilities.

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  1. Your mantel has the perfect spring touches and the fire adds that extra ambiance to your pictures - love it! Yes, spring has such a "promise of the things to come" and your mantel décor speaks of it.

  2. Your mantel is SO beautiful! The white looks great against the stone.

  3. I love your stone fireplace! The touches of spring, even though the fire is burning, is lovely. I live in TN and we've had the strangest weather here too. Hot one moment, cold the next and still having active frost sessions in the mornings. My new next door neighbors, a very young couple, boldly planted an Easter lily in their front yard a week before Easter. We had a random freeze the next night and it was dead the next morning. :( - Karen

  4. I love the ways you choose to decorate your lovely mantle, Suzanne. This is so fresh and lovely and my fireplace is still going, too! That's the great thing about living with 4 very distinct seasons - every day is a surprise, lol. Really enjoyed your beautiful post!

  5. Love it! We have had a few days of warm sunshine, then a cold spell moved through here in Nevada. Looking forward to warmer days and tending my yard soon.


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