Friday, June 28, 2024

Saturday Sparks Link Party 624

Welcome to Saturday Sparks 624! 

 Starting off todays party with one tired Mama!

This is the same pair I shared last week.

They have been blessing us with their presence each and every day.

The doting mother constantly tends to her baby who has boundless amounts of energy.

I captured the doe taking a much needed break this morning.

She laid in the shade as her fawn mulled about beside her.

How lucky we are to witness these sweet miracles of nature!

"The wonders of nature are endless."

~ Walt Disney

Now, onto the party,

First up, the Fabulous Features from Saturday Sparks 623.

How to Build a DIY Modern Outdoor Sectional Couch at Charleston Crafted

A Patriotic Tea for Two at Everyday Living

Trip to the Bahamas 2024 at Julie's Creative Lifestyle

Lemon Tart Recipe at Recipes Simple

Pieced Pastimes

 Thanks to everyone for linking up to last weeks party.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button (above) to add to your blog.

Now, onto the party!

Link up your latest creative posts such as:

Home Decor

Links are open through Thursday morning.

Features will be posted at next weeks party at Pieced Pastimes and may also be featured at Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and/or Twitter.

  Party Guidelines:
- Link to a specific post, not your homepage.
- No advertising, Etsy shops or giveaways.
- Pin feature photos to Pinterest from the original source and not from this blog.
- Visit other links and leave a kind comment.

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Friday, June 21, 2024

Saturday Sparks Link Party 623

Welcome to Saturday Sparks 623! 

 Starting off todays party with the sweetest surprise!

We were blessed to witness this sight on our front lawn the other morning.

We have seen them on our driveway a few times now, but only for a brief moment each time.

Too quick and too far away to capture them on film, until this glorious moment!

"The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring."

~ Bernard Williams

Now, onto the party,

First up, the Fabulous Features from Saturday Sparks 622.

How to Make a Simple Reversible No Sew Placemat at Sonata Home Design
Pieced Pastimes

 Thanks to everyone for linking up to last weeks party.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button (above) to add to your blog.

Now, onto the party!

Link up your latest creative posts such as:

Home Decor

Links are open through Thursday morning.

Features will be posted at next weeks party at Pieced Pastimes and may also be featured at Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and/or Twitter.

  Party Guidelines:
- Link to a specific post, not your homepage.
- No advertising, Etsy shops or giveaways.
- Pin feature photos to Pinterest from the original source and not from this blog.
- Visit other links and leave a kind comment.

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Friday, June 14, 2024

Saturday Sparks Link Party 622

Welcome to Saturday Sparks 622! 

 Starting off todays party with a regular guest!

This sweet girl has been visiting us every day for the past month or so.

She wanders back and forth from the woods and into the field throughout the day.

Curiosity seems to be her middle name.

She watches my every move, as I do her.

These small connections with nature make my heart sing.

"The eyes of a deer reflect a world of wonder and curiosity, inviting us to see the beauty of everything around us."

~ Author Unknown

Now, onto the party,

First up, the Fabulous Features from Saturday Sparks 621.

A Breath of Fresh Air at Everyday Living

Upcycled Bar Cart at My French Twist

Wild Garlic Risotto at Food Nutters

Creamy Cucumber Salad Recipe at Ann's Entitled Life

Pieced Pastimes

 Thanks to everyone for linking up to last weeks party.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button (above) to add to your blog.

Now, onto the party!

Link up your latest creative posts such as:

Home Decor

Links are open through Thursday morning.

Features will be posted at next weeks party at Pieced Pastimes and may also be featured at Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and/or Twitter.

  Party Guidelines:
- Link to a specific post, not your homepage.
- No advertising, Etsy shops or giveaways.
- Pin feature photos to Pinterest from the original source and not from this blog.
- Visit other links and leave a kind comment.

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Saturday Sparks Link Party 621

Welcome to Saturday Sparks 621! 

 Starting off todays party with a reptilian visit!

Over the past week, we witnessed the yearly migration of several of the snapping turtles that live in our pond.

They climb out of the pond, up the steep hill, down the driveway and finally into the highest point of the field.

Eggs are laid and buried before they head back home.

It's a yearly ritual that we look forward to and our hard shelled friends never disappoint.

"And since all this loveliness cannot be Heaven, I know in my heart it must be June."

~ Abba Woolson

Now, onto the party,

First up, the Fabulous Features from Saturday Sparks 620.

Pieced Pastimes

 Thanks to everyone for linking up to last weeks party.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button (above) to add to your blog.

Now, onto the party!

Link up your latest creative posts such as:

Home Decor

Links are open through Thursday morning.

Features will be posted at next weeks party at Pieced Pastimes and may also be featured at Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and/or Twitter.

  Party Guidelines:
- Link to a specific post, not your homepage.
- No advertising, Etsy shops or giveaways.
- Pin feature photos to Pinterest from the original source and not from this blog.
- Visit other links and leave a kind comment.

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