Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Final Surrender

Much can be learned from the amazing gifts that God has given us. Nature can be a reflection of our own lives if we just stop and take the time to notice. Our summer camp is on a mountain here in New Hampshire and the land is as beautiful as you could imagine. The views are simply breathtaking and we are blessed to have this place.

With all that said, there is another side to life on the mountain. The reality is that there is a harshness to the mountain that shows itself from time to time. The weather is unpredictable.  A gorgeous sun filled day can quickly change to a torrential storm in mere minutes. 

I took this picture in the fall of last year. This humble spruce stands alone at the peak of the mountain. We have appreciated its resilience for some time. 

The roots bravely cling to the ledge outcroppings that are scattered throughout the summit - a true testament to its strength and perseverance.

The stumped remains of its predecessors surround the solitary tree. A symbol of previous battles lost. This tree is the lone survivor. 

A sunrise from a past season stirs up memories of days gone by. The lonely timber quietly stood by as our lives played out beside it. It fought many a battle, but still managed to stand tall - never wavering, steadfast and true.

Sadly, this is how it looks today. The battle scars have taken their toll. We know its days are numbered and that it will soon become the final mark of a lost war. The once determined trunk will join the other fallen evergreens. No one could say it didn't give it its all. It gallantly held its ground in spite of the passing storms that pummeled at it until the day of the final surrender. 

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  1. Beautiful words and photos. Kind of makes me feel sorry for the spruce, though all life on this earth has to end at some time or another. The scenery is, truly, breathtaking.

  2. This is the same look many of the trees in the Smoky Mountains have - not because of storm damage, but because of pollution. So sad, no matter what the reason.

  3. It's a beautiful symbol of the passage of time. I, too, have trees I have loved this way.

  4. Hi Suzanne,

    Your mountain views are breathtakingly beautiful, and although I am across the pond, over on the island of Crete, high above the Aegean Sea, these landscapes could be cousins! A lovely tribute to the passing of time, even with nature's 'children'.

    Thanks for sharing!


  5. These photos are beautiful. No need for words, they tell their story :)


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