Thursday, September 5, 2019

Some New Clutches and Making Time to Create

Our days of late have been hurried which tends to make me feel a bit out of sorts. My younger days were always busy and I thrived on the chaos.

As the years have gone by,  life at a slower pace makes my heart sing.  I covet the simple things - time spent with family, nature, living with less, reading and nurturing my creative side.

I was in need of a new clutch, so I found made the time to sew one. I can't say I found the time, because there's always some extra time in a day - we just need to prioritize the things that are important to us.

While working on this new clutch, it dawned on me that sewing and quilting is time well spent - at least it is for me. It settles me and helps to calm the busyness of a day. I realized that creating is a necessity and that I am a 'maker'.

With this newly found awareness, I gifted myself a staycation sewing retreat and completed 4 more clutches. I had prepped them some time ago and they sat patiently biding their time.

This modern black and white purse is for our youngest daughter. She chose the fabrics and requested a strap.

Our middle daughter has a love for all things 'zebra print', so this fabric was an easy choice.

Our eldest daughter is a true minimalist. She contemplates each gift/purchase/find with the utmost care. She is still considering her choice or lack there of and I understand completely.

I seem to have a thing for arrows lately. Hence, this version was born.

And finally, anything with crosses calls to me, so this was a must make.

There's something special about making things with your own hands and then using them in the everyday.

P.S. - *For those who are interested, this pattern is called 'The Necessary Clutch Wallet' by 'Emmaline Bags' and is available here.

*No affiliation or compensation, just passing along a nice resource.

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  1. Your clutches are lovely! I really like the design. I really relate to the idea of being a “maker.” Me too. It makes me feel content.

    1. Thanks Michelle! I agree that creating things gives you a sense of contentment unlike anything else. Always nice to meet a fellow 'maker'.

  2. Wow, Suzanne, you have some amazing sewing skills - these are beautifully done!


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