Saturday, May 9, 2020

What a difference a day makes!

As I have mentioned before, the weather  here in New Hampshire turns on a dime. This side by side photo shows proof of that. This is the shot of our 'impostor' geese from yesterday to todays version of the same spot.

As the saying goes - if you don't like the weather in New England, just wait 5 minutes.

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  1. We got it in the eastern part of our state too - Snowshoe ski area - 3". Just cold here in our capital city, but warming quickly today. Just add it to the list of crazy.

    1. Hi Rita - It was a strange day for sure. The snow melted by mid day and hubby mowed the grass in the afternoon. Only in New Hampshire would you shovel in the morning and mow in the afternoon! 😂

  2. Very nice. I don't know if I asked you this- are you near Durham. My daugthter went to UNH for a year and I remember taking her to school.

    1. Thank-you! We are about an hour north of Durham.


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