Friday, September 4, 2020

Saturday Sparks Link Party 390

Welcome to Saturday Sparks 390!

Starting off todays party with another simple meal.

Busy days mean less time for cooking.

Elaborate meals have gone by the wayside - replaced with quick and easy, but every bit as healthy and delicious.

For this meal I steamed some purple cabbage and broccoli. I added some leftover crispy tofu and a baked sweet potato with avocado, black pepper and hemp seeds. I served it with a maple mustard dipping sauce.

Simplicity never tasted so good.

"Keep it simple and focus on what matters. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed."

~ Confucius

Now, let's get this party started..

First up, the Fabulous Features from Saturday Sparks 389.

Late Summer Garden Tour in the PNW by Shiplap and Shells

Dill Pickle Canning Recipe by It's My Sustainable Life

Banana Walnut Crunch Loaf by Little Frugal Homestead

Easy to Make Sweet Tea Recipe by Cook-Clean-Then-Repeat

Pieced Pastimes

 Thanks to everyone for linking up to last weeks party.
If you were featured, please grab the featured button (above) to add to your blog.

Now, onto the party!

Link up your latest inspiring posts such as:

Home Decor

Links are open through Thursday morning.

Features will be posted at next weeks party at Pieced Pastimes and may also be featured at Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and/or Twitter.

Pieced Pastimes

 Party Guidelines:
- Post the party button (above) with a link back to this page or just a text link back to the party on your post - Not required, but appreciated!
- Share your own ideas and photos - not a roundup of other peoples ideas.
- Follow Pieced Pastimes via one of the social media links located on the upper right sidebar. 
- No advertising, Etsy shops or giveaways.
- Pin feature photos to Pinterest from the original source and not from this blog.
- Visit other links and leave a kind comment.

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  1. Thanks so much for taking the time to host each week!!
    It is greatly appreciated!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!

  2. Suzanne, Thank you for your effort and time in hosting every week.

  3. Love that idea for putting some avocado on top of the sweet potato. :) Thanks for hosting! I brought by some Shrimp with Creamy Tomato Basil Sauce. Hope you enjoy. :)

  4. I always want to eat healthier after visiting your blog! Thanks for hosting and enjoy your weekend!

  5. Thank you for hosting! I always love seeing what your presenting from your kitchen each week. Thank you as well for the feature of my dill pickle recipe (just an fyi the link is not working to that recipe). I'm honored to be chosen. Have a wonderful week & stay safe!

  6. Sweet potato and avocado, I bet its a tasty combo that I must now try. Have a terrific labour day long weekend, Suzanne!

  7. Your terrific party is always a great way to start the weekend!

  8. Your food presentation is beautiful! Happy Labor Day weekend, Suzanne.

  9. Thank you for featuring my Banana Walnut Crunch Loaf, brightened my day!
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

  10. That bowl looks so yummy! Thank you for hosting. Have a great Labor Day.

    XO- MaryJo

  11. That meal looks so lovely. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  12. Party Newbie here, stopping in to share. Thank you for hosting and have a great week!


I love reading each and every comment and welcome any questions or feedback you may have.